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Maine's Fishing Industry Still Shrinking

April 02, 2008.


Picture from todays Portland Press Herald. As most of you know Dan makes most of his living from building nets, sweeps, roller frames, and supplying wire and, hardware to the fishing fleet in Portland. These past couple years have been rough as the number of days a vessel can fish continue to be cut each year. It isn't likely to get much better. Another issue has been the Lobster debate. It is illegal to bring lobster a shore in Maine if it was caught in a fishing trawl (net).

With so Little fishing time allowed each boat, the catch of lobster becomes more important to the fisherman's livelihood. This means that they will unload and sell all fish in Massachusetts because they can sell their lobsters there as well. One of our best customers who once apon a time spent six figures supplying his boats through us yearly now ties up in MA. and no longer calls Portland home after more than 30 years of fishing out of this Maine port. The latest in the on going saga is the debate over a plan to implement a federal buy out of some of the fleet. Here is the story:

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